Massage for meditation
A new treatment designed to support your yoga or meditation practice.
With over 20 years practising yoga and meditation, and 14 years practising massage and Reiki, it seems really helpful to have all the muscles massaged deeply yet gently - which you may use as a doorway to leaving your body and mind behind. It's nothing you do - it's just what happens.
Then while relaxed to have a Reiki pause on each limb and spine as we go along. A neck and shoulder massage or reflexology can be included.
I like to use meditation essential oils such as Frankincense, Cedarwood and any of the other beautiful oils which are coming to hand at the time. Also candles or music as the energy is suggesting.
The treatment is best an hour and 20 minutes long to allow for depth of relaxation. If you would like to try please phone Fiona on 07456427172.