Honour foundation first degree Reiki attunement: The unfolding rose - empowerment, stability and joy

01249 816 019 01249 816 019
22nd - 23rd June 2019, 9.30am - 6.00pm
Therapists and trainees
£480 (non-refundable deposit £240)
Church Farm, 117 Church Street, Langford, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, SG18 9NX

The unfolding rose: empowerment, stability and joy. Honour foundation first degree attunement and training course (personal healing).

The rose is one of the most ancient of flowers, associated with the deep feminine, Venus, receptivity, motherhood and self-nurture. At its heart is a spiral, sacred symbol of spiritual evolution and personal development. Roses lift the heart, increasing our sense of joy in life. The unfolding rose is the symbol at the heart of my honour well-being logo and also the symbol of my honour first degree foundation Reiki attunement and training course.

Honour foundation first degree golden way Reiki enables you to receive beautiful and deep personal healing. It has the power to attune you all the way to your feet, and repairs your personal root connection to the Earth. It brings gentle, yet profound healing to your relationship to your body, your ability to receive and be nurtured, to your feminine and the mother. You will also be empowered as you learn how to give Reiki to yourself, drawing powerful healing energies from deep within the Earth. This encourages stability, presence and joy. This is a lovely weekend to consider as part of your self-evolution, but especially if you have issues around mothering, motherhood and your ability to receive, to conceive and to be nurtured. This healing weekend can restore to you a sense of belonging, protection and nourishment.

There are four full attunement ceremonies, two on each day. Teaching takes place through visualisation, meditation, images, music, spoken word and with reference to ancient wisdom. Groups are small with a maximum of four places, and each group forms with its own special synergy and themes. Confidentiality within the group is absolute.

Honour foundation first provides new deep roots to support your life and broadens your connection to the nurturing principle of life, as well as to spirit. The body is the vehicle of the indwelling spirit. Foundation attunement initiates a clearing and cleansing cycle which will renew your body and allow your emotional well-being to grow.

One of my previous successful candidates for foundation first said this:

"Joy! When I watch my children playing and hear their laughter, I see the pure joy they are experiencing in their lives... Elizabeth has reminded me... that I can find joy in my own life... I know that Reiki can change my life, and ensure that my children have a wonderful future." (Erika B - Oxon)

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Hosted by Elizabeth Chanter

My name is Elizabeth Chanter. I am an experienced golden way shamanic Reiki master practitioner and teacher, crystal Reiki healer and shamanic healer, offering treatments, attunement and training. I am passionate about empowering others to achieve well-being and to live happy, full and rewarding lives.

Hosted by Elizabeth Chanter