Small changes to boost health
Here at Therapy Directory we like to think about our health in a holistic way. This means taking care of the body, mind and spirit. Initially, this may sound like a daunting task – but we’ve put together a few small, simple tweaks you can make to your everyday routine to boost health.
Starting slowly with small steps is the best way to approach change. The aim of making small changes is to help you feel more motivated and in control. So… what are you waiting for?
1. Discover your peak workout time
If you struggle to stick to an exercise regime, think about switching your workout to a different time. If you lack motivation after work, why not experiment with morning workouts? Finding out what time works best for you will keep you interested and motivated.
2. Stock up on healthier snacks
Being prepared when hunger strikes means you’ll be less likely to give in to temptation. Making the effort to stock up on these snacks is a small tweak that can change the way you eat.
3. Consider your posture
Many of us spend our day sat in an office chair all day which can cause back problems. Try to incorporate some stretching into your day (like yoga) or start seeing a therapist – chiropractic treatment, physiotherapy and the Alexander Technique can all help improve posture.
1. Meditate for 10 minutes
There have been countless studies proving the benefits of meditation, especially on those with stress and anxiety. Try adding a 10-minute meditation to your daily routine and then you can build upon it.
2. Be grateful
Get yourself a notebook and write down three things you are grateful for at the end of each day. This will breed positive thinking and may even improve your sleep.
3. Limit device time
Have a device cut-off time in the evening and switch to reading a book or having a bath. This will help you wind down and prepare the mind and body for sleep.
1. Cultivate a hobby
Finding something that brings you pleasure outside of work is incredibly beneficial. You’ll learn a new skill and may even find that magical ‘flow’ state.
2. Connect with others
We are social beings, so make time in your schedule to connect with friends and family. Try to do this in person or over the phone, connecting online can be useful, however it is often a poor substitute for a good chat.
3. Be with nature
Schedule time to be outside and with nature every day. Be mindful of your surroundings and notice everything around you.