Colouring: An alternative to meditation?

Colouring is often linked with our childhood, a happy memory from our past. However, recently mental health experts have been researching the effect colouring has on adults.


Psychologists have found that colouring (in or out of the lines) can help us unlock our creative potential. The act can relieve tension and anxiety, common feelings we all experience in our lives.

Psychologist, Antoni Martinez says, “I recommend colouring as a relaxation technique. We can use it to enter a more creative state. I recommend it in a quiet room, with relaxing music and let the colour flow.”

Colouring is a stress reliever. When we focus on colouring, we are no longer focusing on the situation that was causing us stress. The act of colouring brings out our imagination and memories of childhood – a period of time where we all experienced a lot less stress.

Colouring is considered therapeutic and can promote a positive mindset

Studies have found that colouring helps you become focused. Centering your attention on a soothing activity can benefit your mood, energy levels and even your sleep quality. Research shows that colouring during treatment of cancer had a positive effect on the patient’s well-being.

Colouring may improve intelligence

All forms of art have been suggested to stimulate the communication between different parts of the brain. Colouring not only helps you manage stressful situations, but it may increase brain connections.

The variety of adult or mindful colouring books is continuing to grow. If you are looking for a way to improve well-being, reduce stress levels and have a bit of fun, embrace your inner child and take a moment to colour.

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Written by Ellen Lees
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Written by Ellen Lees
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