Massage therapist in East Grinstead, RH19

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43 results within 30 miles
Danny Morgan
London, Greater London, N1 9PR
(Within 30 miles)
Danny Morgan
Available for new clients
Available for new clients

This professional is available for new clients.

Danny Morgan

Verified Professional
Verified Professional

Every professional displayed on Therapy Directory has been independently verified by our team to ensure they have suitable credentials to practise.

Osteopath - Massage Therapist - Medical Acupuncturist
London, Greater London, N1 9PR
(Within 30 miles)
When was the last time you really felt great? When you could move freely, breathe easily and just enjoy life without any nagging aches or pains? I can help release tension, increase circulation and promote overall wellness.
Melita Pupsaite
Bishop’s Stortford CM23 & London E8
(Within 30 miles)
Melita Pupsaite
Available for new clients
Available for new clients

This professional is available for new clients.

Melita Pupsaite

Verified Professional
Verified Professional

Every professional displayed on Therapy Directory has been independently verified by our team to ensure they have suitable credentials to practise.

Bishop’s Stortford CM23 & London E8
(Within 30 miles)
Hi, I’m Melita. I have a passion for helping people to reconnect with life and wellness which I believe comes from being truly in contact with yourself. Living authentically ultimately leads to independent wellbeing regardless of what is happen...
Dan May-Heggie
Woking, GU21 3JY
(Within 30 miles)
Dan May-Heggie
Available for new clients
Available for new clients

This professional is available for new clients.

Dan May-Heggie

Verified Professional
Verified Professional

Every professional displayed on Therapy Directory has been independently verified by our team to ensure they have suitable credentials to practise.

Woking, GU21 3JY
(Within 30 miles)
Reflexology is a natural holistic and non-invasive treatment applying gentle pressure to the reflexes on the feet in order to promote relaxation, improve mood, aid sleep, relieve tension, improve a sense of well-being,