Jenny Luscombe
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This professional is available for new clients.
This professional is available for new clients.
About me
IMAGINE what life would be like if you had control over and freedom from the negative emotions that limit your everyday life; stress, depression, guilt, regret, low self-esteem, addiction, fear of public speaking, anger, resentment, anxiety, shyness, feeling stuck…the list is infinite. How about chronic pain? What if you could reduce and control it?
Well you can! You can achieve freedom from all of the above.
I do sessions in 3 types of therapy, see descriptions below...
EFT tapping
The Emotion Code
Quantum Energy healing
I also do one to one training sessions now to teach people how to do the inner work themselves, either EFT tapping (with additional inner child work or Parts Work) or muscle-testing for the Emotion Code or other forms of self investigation that lead to self-healing.
For further information about these new opportunities please see
I also now have an online course "Free Therapy Forever: A Crash Course in Sovereignty, Self-Healing and Self-Mastery". This is a set of 7 videos that teaches you how to heal your own trauma. This is how I did it! I healed postnatal depression, an anxiety disorder, a chronic back pain that my Dr told me I would have forever, Complex PTSD symptoms and I also accidentally lost weight and reversed my own ageing process!! For further info about my course, please see
To book a session with me, please see
EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques is a talking therapy that involves simultaneous tapping on meridian points on your face and body. You tap your own points while I guide you through the process.
EFT reduces stress cortisol levels by 24%, putting your body and mind into a healing state, even when discussing distressing issues.
I have one particular technique where you can work through a traumatic event, without even talking about it. If something has happened to you that you feel is so painful you are unable to share it, don't let that stop you. This technique is gentle and offers you total privacy and I have seen it work time and time again!
EFT has been described as 'psychological acupressure' or 'acupuncture without the needles'. In a similar way to hypnosis, it enables you to gently access and release unconscious beliefs and past events that are driving your presenting issues.
Despite EFT's hypnotic effect, you remain conscious but relaxed throughout.
You can't change the past, but you can change the way you feel about it and this is the key to freedom from the negative emotions that are keeping you stuck. It is not the negative events themselves that have affected you, it is how you have coded them in your mind and body. It is what you have made them mean about you that makes it hard for you to move forward in the way you would like.
This therapy is fast and effective. It will amaze you!
The Emotion Code is a system that was devised by Dr Bradley Nelson. This is an incredibly powerful therapy. I can tap into your subconscious mind through muscle testing by proxy and intuitive and psychic ability, to identify the trapped emotions that you are holding as a result of trauma specific to your emotional or physical issue. I can then release this for you using intention and magnetic energy. This therapy releases trapped trauma from this life, past lives, prenatal from the womb and ancestral inherited. It is a game changer. People who prefer not to talk about their issues often choose this therapy.
Quantum Energy Healing is very profound. Quantum healing has been making waves for a very long time outside of the medical system which just doesn't understand it... I will talk with you for 20 minutes before your session about your issue and then you just relax offline in your home for an hour while I get to work reading your subconscious mind for information about how your energy blocks specific to your issue got there. I then work co-creatively to release these. This therapy is so powerful that clients regularly receive solutions to issues that they didn't even tell me about, in addition to the issue they came with.
Training, qualifications & experience
I have a background in Psychology and gained my degree at The Liverpool John Moores University. I worked in Education as a Teacher and Reading Specialist for 10 years and for the NHS in Mental Health Services for 3 years.
While teaching, I worked with children with multiple barriers to learning and I became particularly interested in emotional intelligence and creativity and how these influence behaviour, identity and self-esteem.
To be quite honest, my experience working in the systems has taught me what NOT to do. I spend a lot of time currently working with adults and children who have been traumatised and damaged by the systems!
My Quantum, Emotion Code and EFT practice is heavily influenced by the work of John Bowlby (Attachment Theory).
I have been studying Energy Psychology for 7 years now. I am a Quantum Energy Healing Facilitator, trained by Jerry Sargeant. I am also a Certified Emotion Code practitioner (Dr Bradley Nelson's modality Discover Healing) and I am an EFT International Accredited and Certified EFT Practitioner at Level 3 Advanced Practitioner status.
I work with Adults and all age groups but also specialise in working with Parents, Children and Young People.
I do sessions on Skype, Zoom or Whatsap video, so wherever you are in the world, I can help you.
Member organisations
school Registered / Accredited
Being registered/accredited with a professional body means an individual must have achieved a substantial level of training and experience approved by their member organisation.
EFT International (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a not for profit organisation, commited to promoting and maintaining high professional standards within Emotional Freedom Techniques. All practitioners listed on the website hold appropriate insurance cover and have agreed to abide by the associations Code of Conduct and Ethics. In addition, members are also required to carry out an annual minimum number of Continuous Professional Development (CPD).
Therapies offered
Other available therapies
Certified Emotion Code Practitioner
Quantum Energy Healing facilitator
Advanced EFT Practitioner
I also deal with all of the following issues: Traumatic events, childhood memories, low self-esteem, lack of confidence, allergies, university students, school refusal, truanting, challenging behaviour, school testing pressure, pain, blushing, stuttering, public speaking, fears, procrastination, anxiety, anger, depression, chronic issues, chronic pain, CFS, PTSD, addiction, teenagers, children, trauma, past lives, ancestral healing, inherited emotion, prenatal emotion, spiritual awakening, tapping, muscle testing, releasing, quantum energy work, remote healing, psychic healing, spiritual healing, complex PTSD, Veterans, Children, Young People, family problems, auto-immune, cancer, Parkinsons, Dyslexia, dementia,Vaccine Injury and related issues, work issues, Parenting issues, trapped emotion, subconscious limiting beliefs, blocks, money and abundance issues, poverty, anger, anxiety, depression, rejection, abandonment, overwhelming feelings, lost, sadness, guilt, resentment, shame, betrayal, love unreceived, effort unreceived, insecurity, vulnerability, heartache, despair, disgust, nervousness, worry, failure, helplessness, hopelessness, control, lack of control, out of control, low self esteem, crying, discouragement, sorrow, confusion, defensiveness, fighting, arguing, conflict, grief, bereavement, self abuse, stubbornness, bitterness, hatred, racism, frustration, indecisiveness, panic, taken for granted, incompatibility, disrespect, humiliation, jealousy, patterning, longing, overwhelm, shock, pride, ego, embarrassment, ashamed, unworthy, worthless, not good enough, emotional, mental, psychological, spiritual, voices, spirits, entities, shadow work, inner child work, parts work, muscletesting, muscle-testing, fragmentation, borderline personality disorder, chaos, mirroring, law of attraction, projection, cant feel feelings, dissociation, disconnected, lonely, isolated, alienated, bullying, deprogramming, reprogramming, quantum, emotion code, psychic work, readings, energy healing, spiritual Healing
£33.00 - £99.00
Additional information
My Self study course, teaching you how to heal yourself without a therapist, is £222. Pay once, use the processes on repeat to change your own life. 'Free Therapy Forever: A Crash Course in Sovereignty, Self Healing and Self Mastery'!
1 hour online EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) tapping session is £99.
1 hour online Emotion Code session (identifying and releasing trapped emotion) is £99
1 hour online training session Inner Work DIY (Parts Work or Inner Child Work) is £99
1 hour online training session Learn how to muscle-test to identify and release trapped emotion DIY (Emotion Code) is £99
1 hour offline Quantum Healing session £99 (including a 20 min consultation beforehand)
Discount Codes available for anyone struggling, see my website ...
I accept payment through the booking system on my website which takes Paypal and Stripe
When I work
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | |
Morning | |||||||
Afternoon | |||||||
Evening | |||||||
Night |
I only work online now most Wednesdays-Fridays between 10am and 4pm
Other times and evening can sometimes be arranged by appointment,
Further information
I work intuitively and psycically, facilitating healing by working on emotional factors and unconscious beliefs around any emotional or physical condition.
There are a number of ways to do this.
I now deliver therapy sessions in The Emotion Code, Quantum Energy Healing as well as EFT tapping and I also train individuals one to one to self-heal through EFT tapping (Parts work or Inner Child work) or muscle-testing.
I also now have an online course that teaches people to do what I did! I healed my own post natal depression, an anxiety disorder, a chronic back pain that my Dr told me I would have forever and I also accidentally lost weight and reversed my own ageing process. For further information about my course "Free Therapy Forever: A Crash Course in Sovereignty, Self-Healing and Self-Mastery" please see
Please take a look at my website for further information about Self-Healing training, EFT therapy, The Emotion Code therapy and Quantum Energy Healing and my course as above.
Please take a look at my you tube channel which has many free tips for self-healing work