Usui/holy fire Reiki master/teacher course

07908 528 661 07908 528 661
13th - 15th March 2020, 9.30am - 6.30pm
Therapists and trainees
Bellenden Therapies, 147a Bellenden Road, Peckham, London, SE15 4DH

A three-day master/teacher course in Usui/holy fire III Reiki. Suitable for those holding (and using) Reiki level 2 for at least six months and for Reiki masters and advanced Reiki practitioners (Usui Reiki). Small group of up to five held in Peckham, London.

Participants will receive the Usui master initiation and four holy fire III ignitions. A transformational course which can be attended for professional training/development or for deep personal healing. Course fee includes a full manual written by William Lee Rand and all information and materials required for teaching when you are ready.

Holy fire Reiki is a combination of traditional Usui Reiki and contemporary evolution of Reiki. It is both powerful and gentle and heals through purification, healing, and empowerment. The energy comes from a very high level of consciousness. Holy fire III is the most recent upgrade of the holy fire energy, bringing even deeper levels of healing. 

During the three days, students will;

  • learn to be a Usui/holy fire III Reiki master teacher
  • receive the holy fire ignitions
  • experience deep healing
  • learn advanced Reiki healing techniques
  • practice and receive healing with your new holy fire energy
  • explore your spiritual path via profound meditations and immersions in this new energy
  • receive a comprehensive 180-page manual written by William Lee Rand

The maximum class size will be five, and the course will take place in a relaxed environment. The venue is ten minutes walk from Peckham Rye station and there is free on-street parking within five minutes walk of the venue.

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Hosted by Diana Cox

My name is Diana and I am a Reiki master in Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki and Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki and have been teaching Reiki courses for the past eleven years. I love teaching Reiki as I can see first-hand how Reiki can help people to transform their lives and find peace and healing. I am a master/teacher member of the UK Reiki Federation.