Shinpiden Reiki level III

01249 714 839 01249 714 839 / 07989 198 812 07989 198 812
26th - 28th January 2019, 10.00am - 4.00pm
Therapists and trainees
£475.00 20% off if you book early!
30, Kinneir Close, Corsham, Wiltshire, SN13 9AT

The Five Elements in Relation to Shinpiden

Shinpiden means ‘mystery teachings’ and is the third and final level of the system of Reiki. This does not indicate that practice stops here. Shinpiden is in fact just the beginning of your life-long study. Shinpiden focuses on personal development and teaches students the final details of the elements of the system of Reiki. This is how the five elements are practiced at the Shinpiden level:

1. Developing Spiritual and Mental Focus

Emphasis is placed once again on developing the spiritual and mental connection using the five precepts and creating a consistent practice.

2. Techniques and Meditations

Shinpiden includes additional traditional techniques and meditations

3. Hands-on Healing

The physical practice on the self continues. Shinpiden embodies the understanding that hands-on healing is more than a physical practice.

4. Mantras and Symbols

One mantra and symbol are taught along with their descriptions and uses. Students gain a deeper understanding of the mantras and symbols from Okuden and their relationship to Shinpiden.

5. Reiju / Attunements

One Reiju / attunemant takes the student’s energetic connection a step further. Students learn how to perform Reiju / attunements for Levels I, II and III.

Once Shinpiden is completed, all aspects of the system of Reiki become an integral part of the student’s life. Some say that this is where life and the system of Reiki merge with students unable to tell the difference between the two.

Instead of thinking of Reiki as a lifetime practice we now know that life is our Reiki practice.

Students who wish to teach the system of Reiki will most importantly need to further their own personal practice before beginning to teach. Guidance on how to teach the elements involved will be taught on the Shinpiden Course.

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Hosted by Connect With Reiki

Jenny has been a Senior Reiki Teacher for 18 years and studies every year with her teacher Frans Stiene, going deeper into the roots of Reiki. She teaches the original ancient Japanese practices and the teachings of Mikao Usuii. Jenny is a graduate of the International House of Reiki.

Hosted by Connect With Reiki