Access Bars® practitioner course
Hosted by
Diana Cox
calendar_today 18th October 2024, 9.30am - 6.00pm
person Open to all
universal_currency_alt £340 (or half price if you have done this course before)
location_on Marlborough Road, Ramsgate, Kent, CT11 9BU
This is a full practitioner course in the wonderful modality of Access Bars®. No prior knowledge is needed, just an interest in learning, whether it be to share Access Bars® professionally or for friends and family. A small class of up to six people in a friendly setting.
Effects are individual but these are just some of the benefits people have reported from receiving an Access Bars® session:
- increased energy reduced mental 'chatter'
- stress relief
- reducing anxiety
- healing emotional scars
- reducing or eliminating pain and enhancing physical healing
- relief from depression or fatigue
- clarity of thought and better concentration
- less procrastination
- improved sleep, increased feelings of gratitude
- clearing blocks that are preventing you from moving forward
- no longer being affected by people and situations
- shifting relationship trauma and drama
- ease around money issues
- easier communication
- can be especially helpful for ADHD and ASD
Hosted by Diana Cox
I'm Diana and I've been working with and teaching energy healing therapies for the past 15 years. I'm a Holy Fire Reiki master, Access Bars® practitioner and facilitator and an Emotional Freedom Technique practitioner. I particularly love teaching to share these life-changing healing tools that help empower my students to find happiness and joy