Access Bars Class®

07961 803 298 07961 803 298
30th October 2021, 9.30am - 5.30pm
Open to all
£270 , repeat £135
10 Jersey Road, Tooting, London, SW17 9RQ

Gift yourself, family and friends, by learning Access Bars®.

  • Would you like to have more laughter and lightness in your life? 
  • Would you like to invite more kindness for yourself and stop the judgement? 
  • Would you like to move beyond the limiting beliefs that keep you stuck in a loop?
  • What if ease, joy and glory is your birthright? 

Access Bars® one-day class is a game-changer! It will empower you with tools to create the life you desire and seek with ease beyond the limitations that hold you back. 

What is Access Bars®?

There are 32 unique points (Bars®) on the head that relate to different areas and aspects of your life i.e. money, health, relationships, creativity, hopes and dreams. A Bars® treatment will release the electromagnetic charge of all limiting beliefs, thoughts, feelings and attitudes relating to these areas from this lifetime and all previous lifetimes. 

A Bars® session is like resetting a computer, deleting old patterns of behaviour creating space for new ways of functioning and possibilities. It is a deeply relaxing, calming and nurturing treatment that leaves you feeling lighter and more joyful. 

What contribution can Access Bars® bring to your life? 

Access Bars® is helpful if you are experiencing overwhelm, anxiety, stress, low self-esteem/confidence, depression, lack of motivation and if you are feeling stuck and are looking for inspiration.

Benefits include clarity, relaxation, increased happiness, self-awareness, connection with your body, better sleep, a sense of empowerment to take control of your life, less mental chatter, increased focus and a sense of lightness, creating space for insights and realisations.

What will the day involve?

  • Your day will begin by watching a video by Gary Douglas the founder and Dr Dain Heer co-founder of Access Consciousness introducing the Bars technique.
  • I will continue teaching you the technique in person - you will receive two Bars sessions and gift two sessions to a class member.
  • You will receive a comprehensive manual, in-depth head charts to support you in learning the bar points on the head.
  • You will receive a practitioner certificate that will enable have an Access Bars business. 
  • In addition to learning Access Bars, the manual is full of life-changing tools, questions, and processes from Access Consciousness. 

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

You can find out more at or register for this class at

Review of Access Bars® by Neuroscientist Dr. Jeffrey L. Fannin - YouTube

Access Consciousness The Bars - YouTube

What is Access Consciousness Bars? - YouTube

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Hosted by Maria Cooper-Gomes

I am an experienced Reiki Master I have been working with this energy for over 15 years, I offer training, workshops and one to one treatments for your wellbeing in SW London. My background is in the social care sector, I have excellent experience working with people with a variety of needs and I am very skilled at navigating group process.

Hosted by Maria Cooper-Gomes