Feng shui for productivity
As autumn rolls around, it seems that as the days grow darker and colder, our levels of productivity begin to fall. We wake up in darkness, and finish our day in darkness. Really, it’s no wonder we lack motivation. But sadly, this isn’t an excuse. We have bills to pay and work to do, so how can we improve productivity during the winter months?
Feng shui is an ancient Chinese art and science, developed more than 3,000 years ago. It’s a complex body of knowledge, which teaches us how to balance the energies in our space, in order to assure and promote health, success and happiness.
What does it mean?
Feng shui literally translates to ‘wind and water’. Breath and water, the two vital components for human life. In Chinese culture, wind and water are associated with good health, thus, having a space with good feng shui is thought to assure good fortune.
Here are four tips to feng shui your workplace.
Clear clutter, but make mess
You may be shocked to see us encouraging a messy workspace, after all, isn’t mess and clutter the same thing? Well actually, no. When you office or desk space is cluttered, it’s likely you’ll lose important documents, forget meetings and have piles of post-it note reminders.
Mess on the other hand, isn’t always a bad thing. In fact, it can be a good thing, as long as you are comfortable.
As Albert Einstein once said,
“If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?”
So, a little mess can be good. It shows your creativity and energy. But, do clear your clutter and keep your workspace clean. It may be a time consuming process, but clearing this unmotivating clutter will encourage a clear mind. You will feel inspired, energised and ready for success.
Seek natural light and fresh air
A well-aired, light room is essential for good feng shui energy (or Qi) in your space. If you can, open the windows often, introduce an air purifier or diffuser and perhaps consider air-purifying plants.
If you work from home or your own office, allow as much natural light as possible. If you’re in an office and you have just a desk, consider speaking to the company and suggesting full-spectrum lighting. These bulbs are free of the yellow shade, and instead are made to be as close to natural light as possible, reducing eye strain and headaches.
Adopt a plant-baby
One of the simplest ways to make your space feel welcoming and inspiring, is buying a few live plants for your desk. Air-purifying plants in particular are great in boosting productivity, so consider an aloe vera or spider plant.
Studies have shown that employees working in an office filled with plants are more productive, focused and perform better than those who live plant-free. You may not have the largest desk space, but treating yourself to one live plant is sure to keep you motivated, relaxed and happy.
Introduce colour
Colour is important in maintaining a positive vibe in and out of your office. In fact, colour has a massive effect on our emotions. Just think, how do you feel when wearing a bright coloured shirt? Confident, happy and energised, we bet. Add colour to your workspace where you can, whether it be artwork, your stationary or what you wear. Just because winter’s on the way, it doesn’t mean you need to conform to the black suit.
Read more about dressing for success in The Secrets of Mindful Dressing by Happiful.
What if you are unable to change your office set-up?
Not all of us will be able to change our office space so freely, for many, our desk is stationed in a permanent place and will not move. But despite these limits, there are some things you can do to find the right feng shui and boost productivity.
Play around with the space you have, until you find the right spot for you. Ask if you can rearrange your desk so you are facing the window, or introduce some of the suggestions above, in smaller, more accessible ways.
If you know that your office feng shui is challenging you, but there’s nothing you can do about it, make an extra effort to find good feng shui in your home, in particular, your bedroom. After all, you spend nearly a third of your life sleeping, so you may as well enjoy it!