Sound healing: How can I try it?

Sound healing is an ancient form of therapy that utilises different sounds, music, and instruments.

In a sound healing session you will be bathed in sound waves, this is called a ‘sound bath.’ The sounds will be produced by either a gong, singing bowl, tuning fork, a facilitator’s voice, or a combination. These beautiful and powerful sounds can help to bring you into a meditative state, so you are grounded and connected to your body.

What are the benefits of sound healing?

The experience can empower you to think from a place of clarity and authenticity, rather than panic and ego. When you focus on the music and vibrations going on in the room, you automatically tune into the present moment, and this is great for the overthinkers among us.

If you spend a great deal of time and energy in your head, worrying about the past or future, the likelihood is that you often experience disconnection from your physical body and reality. Persistent disconnection from the present moment can lead to anxiety and feelings of isolation.

Sound healing can help us redirect our energy and attention away from our busy minds and overthinking. It encourages us to tap into how our bodies feel and what we are experiencing in our physical reality (moment-to-moment). If you find yourself drifting off, detaching from the environment you’re in and the people you’re with, sound healing can help you anchor yourself in the here and now. 

Sound therapy alters our brainwaves, allowing us to consciously relax. Different frequencies and vibrations can help synchronise the electrical activity in our brains. You can go to sound healing sessions for a variety of reasons: to help lower stress levels, heal from trauma, improve sleep, or even ease PTSD symptoms. Different frequencies allow you to meet different goals. 

Music can be medicine, stimulating mental and physical healing from within. If you find yourself doubting this type of therapy due to its holistic approach, it is useful to remind yourself of a time music helped you. Has a particular sound, song, or vibration ever made you feel peaceful, happy, or understood? If your answer is yes, sound healing may be for you.  

The sounds, vibrations, and frequencies that go on in a sound healing session stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system (a network of nerves), and when this happens, our blood pressure and heart rate decrease and we end up feeling calmer and safer in our bodies. Additionally, the long tones of the music naturally encourage us to deepen and lengthen our breath. When we breathe slower, and for longer, our stress levels quickly lessen and we are able to self-soothe.

How to try sound healing

Group sound healing 

If you decide to go to a group sound healing session, the sense of community and unity may elevate your experience and allow for further healing. Being in an intimate setting with strangers who have a shared desire to heal can be a very heartwarming and motivating prospect. Experiencing the same music/sounds, environment, and trusting in one another, can have a profound effect. Feeling connected to people is good for our mental health.

Some leisure centres now organise weekly sound healing sessions, these are usually cheaper than one-to-one sessions and they allow you to relax alongside others. If you are craving companionship, try a group session. In this, you can typically expect everyone to be lying down in rows, like in a yoga class.

The facilitator may check in with the group before and after a session and this may require you to speak. If you are nervous about revealing your experience know that these are safe spaces to open up and be vulnerable but you do not owe anyone your truth. You are allowed to simply say, “I am going to keep my experience to myself but thank you for checking in.”

One-to-one sound healing 

Sound healing can also be done in one-to-one sessions. This tends to work better for individuals craving more of a personal and specific touch. The facilitator will have a chat with you before the session and this will be your opportunity to communicate exactly what you want from the experience and where you are at in life. 

It is worth getting clear on what you want to work on, heal, or change before you go to the session. Facilitators will work with the information you give them. The better they understand you and your situation, the more trust you can put in them, and the better they can make your experience. You can expect a session to be carried out in a quiet space, with a comfortable place to lie down and rest. Your body will not be strained in any way, all you have to do is allow yourself to relax.

At-home sound healing

Barriers like cost and time can understandably put people off investing in sound healing. Some individuals may be better equipped to do a session with a facilitator than others, however, we can give sound healing a go from the comfort of our homes, for free, at any time.

There are sound healing YouTube videos for sleep, anxiety, pain relief, depression, trauma, and self-love. So, if you want to get a feel for the immersive experience, it is worth setting up your own comfortable spot to lie down and soak up the beautiful sounds from your home.

Tips for making the most of sound healing

Focus on the present moment

Whether you are at home watching a YouTube sound healing video, or in a session with a professional, it is wise to maintain your focus on the sounds/music/singing. Similarly to mediation, in a sound healing session, your objective is to focus on the present moment. If you lose concentration and find yourself worrying and overthinking, all you have to do is calmly and kindly shift your attention back to what is going on in your environment (bring gentle awareness and curiosity to the sounds going on around you).

Our mind might begin to wonder as we relax into the session, so it is important to notice yourself. If your attention diverts a useful affirmation to repeat with an internal whisper is: ‘I focus my attention on the sounds around me right now.’

Come to the session with inquisitiveness and an open mind

If we have negative preconceptions they may cloud our session and prevent us from letting things flow naturally. You will reap the benefits from a sound healing session if you let go of any judgments or criticisms and trust in the facilitator. Each session brings something new and different to each individual, so leave expectations at the door. 

Don’t fixate on getting it right

There is no wrong experience when it comes to sound healing. Do not fixate on ‘getting it right’ and instead allow the experience to unfold. Let the sounds lead you.

Wear something you feel confident and comfortable in

You want to fully detach from your outer layer when you are in a sound healing session. So, wear something that will allow you to totally immerse yourself in the experience. Yoga pants and a baggy T-shirt are my personal preference. 

Let go of the fear of judgement

If you decide to go to a group sound healing session, you might become apprehensive and nervous about what other people may think of you. However, it is important to remember that individuals attend these sessions because they have their own things going on. Most people are too busy worrying about themselves to judge you. So, let go of the need to impress anyone and focus on how you feel within yourself. 

The sounds we consume have a powerful influence on our mental and physical well-being. This is something many of us overlook as we are so used to noise. Noise is constant, so, it is easy to miss how it impacts us. Whether it be on our phones, television screens, or in the busy cities we live in or visit, we are exposed to so many sounds and they do affect us. In a sound healing session, we get to be intentional with the sounds we consume and give our bodies and minds a blissful break. 

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Written by Alessia Sutherberry
Alessia is a coach, content creator and writer who cares deeply about making people feel good about themselves. She helps people understand where their self-limiting beliefs stem from so they can foster self-awareness and self-love.
Written by Alessia Sutherberry
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