Five tips for emotional healing
Emotional distress affects us all differently. Sadness, anxiety, unhelpful obsessions, addictions, physical ailments and unwanted compulsions are among some of the side effects we experience.
If you are living with any of these issues as a result of difficulty in your life, it can be helpful to turn your attention to emotional healing.
While medications and talk therapies such as counselling can be of benefit, there are various self-help tips you can also try to help you heal.
Get a grip on your mind
Our thoughts are a catalyst for emotional distress, so it is essential that you pinpoint those that are unhelpful and learn ways of substituting them for more useful ones. For example, when you notice that you are worrying or dwelling on something you cannot control, mindfully take a step back and do something to distract yourself. By focusing your thoughts on something more productive, such as reading a magazine or listening to music, you can learn to ease emotional distress.
Upgrade your personality
Under emotional distress you may not be the person you would like to be. You may be angrier, more frightened and impulsive than you would like. If so, give yourself a personality upgrade. This involves identifying a feature of your personality you would like to upgrade, then focusing on thoughts and actions that align with this intention. In this way you become the person capable of reducing your emotional distress.
Deal with circumstances
Circumstances matter when it comes to feeling distressed and unhappy. Our relationships, health, our place of work and where we call home can all determine how we feel. In order for things to change, you need to address the circumstances that are under your control. You can change careers, adjust your diet, resolve relationship issues and look after yourself more. Emotional healing requires taking real action in the real world.
Manage your anxiety
Constant anxiety can play havoc with health and well-being, and makes everyday tasks much harder. Taking control by attempting anxiety management techniques – such as meditation, mindfulness and yoga – can make a huge difference. Learning to manage your anxiety will help you to feel more at ease in all areas of life.
Complementary therapy
An increasingly popular means of mind and body healing is complementary therapy. Many people seek out treatments such as massage, reiki and herbalism to help ease the effects of emotional distress on their health and well-being.