A quick guide to simple relaxation

A quick guide to simple relaxation We share five tips on how to relax no matter how stressed you are.    

Society is a fast-paced world of endless things to do, places to go and people to see.

While this pace can be beneficial and convenient for many reasons, emotionally and physically it can take its toll and leave us feeling burnt out and unhappy.

It is common knowledge that well-being can only really be cultivated when we take time out each day to slow down, relax and unwind.

However it can be hard to prioritise this important self-healing activity, so we wanted to share with you some great ways to relax no matter how stressed you are.

Enjoy the outside

Being around nature, away from technology and busy environments is an opportunity to reflect and absorb the sounds of the birds and the wind in the trees. Sitting outside during your lunch break can be a very calming and revitalising experience and allows you to clear your head and create space for the afternoon.


Meditating is becoming increasingly popular for helping to promote relaxation and inner peace, and you can easily fit it in during a five-minute afternoon breather, at home before bed or while commuting to and from work. Aim for around 30-40 minutes of meditating a week to ensure the best results.

Take a nap

In some cultures, an afternoon siesta is perfectly normal and considered essential for health and well-being. In western society taking a nap during the day tends to be seen as lazy, but research suggests it actually helps to boost productivity. If you can, try and take a 30 minute nap to restore your energy levels and clear your head.

Journal writing

Writing things down is a way of accessing your inner world – allowing you to reflect on the contents of your thoughts, feelings and actions. This relaxing activity helps to bring to the forefront of your consciousness any achievements and positive events that you may have overlooked as a result of running on automatic. This will help you to feel better about yourself and more at peace.

Complementary therapies 

Many people turn to complementary therapies such as massage, aromatherapy and yoga to help them to feel more relaxed and boost their health and well-being. In many cases, pain and discomfort can cause stress, which in turn can make living with ailments worse. Certain treatments such as reflexology and bowen therapy can help to alleviate aches as well as pain and built-up tension.

For more information on the complementary therapies available for healing and promoting relaxation, please see our therapy topics page. 

View and comment on the original Mind Body Green article. 

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Written by Tamara Marshall
Written by Tamara Marshall
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