Nature’s moisturiser: avocado

It’s been estimated that women rub about 515 different chemicals on their body everyday.

There are chemicals in our shampoos, conditioners, eye-shadows, fake-tans, foundations, lipsticks, hand-soaps and our moisturisers – all substances we slather all over our bodies without really thinking about what they are.

Look on the back of any one of these bottles and you’ll see the common culprits: Methylparaben, Polythene Glycol, Propylparaben and other unpronounceable words that you’re probably more likely to ignore than investigate. The worrying thing is, many of these chemicals are also used in household products, including oven cleaner.

It is for this reason that many women are looking for safer, cleaner, more natural alternatives to their favourite beauty products. After all, why buy an avocado moisturiser when you could grow your own avocado plant and have a never ending supply of fresh avocado everyday?

Avocados are great for eating and just as great for making into homemade skincare products. All the unsaturated fats and vitamin A, D and E packed into avocado makes it excellent for helping dry, cracked and peeling skin and reducing the appearance of scars, age spots and wrinkles.

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Written by Zoe Thomas
Written by Zoe Thomas
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